
Historic 1960s Landrover Series 2b 110 Forward Control Diesel NXC511D of the Dunsfold Collection at the Dunsfold Collection Open Day 2009, Dunsfold, England, UK. --- No releases available. Automotive trademarks are the proper, authorization may be needed for some uses. --- Information: Land Rover Forward Control 110 Series 2B Diesel RHD, Chassis No. 33500001A, Registration NXC 511D, Engine 2286cc Diesel. Belonging to the Dunsfold Collection of Landrovers, Surrey, UK: This Forward Control is chassis number 1, 2b Diesel right hand drive. It has had a full restoration in 1997. There were two types of Forward Controls in production in the 60s, the 2a and 2b. Production started in 1962 and ran to 1972. Around 5450 units were produced in total. The most common engine was the 2.6 six-cylinder petrol. Load capacity was 30cwt. The 2a had a very similar chassis to the normal bonneted control model with 109 inch wheelbase, the 2b had a 110 inch wheelbase chassis. A chassis cab could be converted to many useful roles. This F/C actually has had little practical use due to its top speed of 40mph.
Historic 1960s Landrover Series 2b 110 Forward Control Diesel NXC511D of the Dunsfold Collection at the Dunsfold Collection Open Day 2009, Dunsfold, England, UK. --- No releases available. Automotive trademarks are the proper, authorization may be needed for some uses. --- Information: Land Rover Forward Control 110 Series 2B Diesel RHD, Chassis No. 33500001A, Registration NXC 511D, Engine 2286cc Diesel. Belonging to the Dunsfold Collection of Landrovers, Surrey, UK: This Forward Control is...
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Filename: HGW-GB093789D.jpg

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Land Rover: Dunsfold Collection 2009