
Dunsfold mechanic restoring a very early classic 1970 Range Rover.  UK, England, Dunsfold 2005. --- No releases available. Automotive trademarks are the property of the trademark holder, authorization may be needed for some uses. --- This RR in Tuscan Blue is registered as NXC245H (VIN 35500040A) which means it is one of the first models used as a press release vehicle. In May 1970, a batch of 20 production standard Range Rovers were built for the press launch in May/June 1970 at the Meudon Hotel near Falmouth, Cornwall. These Range Rovers were assigned Solihull registrations NXC 231H to NXC 250H consecutively with chassis numbers 35500025A to 35500045A. The Range Rover was available as a three door estate only with a 3.5 ltr. V8 pertol engine, four speed manual gearbox and permanent four wheel drive.
Dunsfold mechanic restoring a very early classic 1970 Range Rover. UK, England, Dunsfold 2005. --- No releases available. Automotive trademarks are the property of the trademark holder, authorization may be needed for some uses. --- This RR in Tuscan Blue is registered as NXC245H (VIN 35500040A) which means it is one of the first models used as a press release vehicle. In May 1970, a batch of 20 production standard Range Rovers were built for the press launch in May/June 1970 at the Meudon...
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