
Land Rover Series 1 80inch based off-road trialer competing at the ALRC National 2008 RTV Trial. The Association of Land Rover Clubs (ALRC) National Rallye is the biggest annual motor sport oriented Land Rover event and was hosted 2008 by the Midland Rover Owners Club at Eastnor Castle in Herefordshire, UK, 22 - 27 May 2008. --- No releases available. Automotive trademarks are the property of the trademark holder, authorization may be needed for some uses.
Land Rover Series 1 80inch based off-road trialer competing at the ALRC National 2008 RTV Trial. The Association of Land Rover Clubs (ALRC) National Rallye is the biggest annual motor sport oriented Land Rover event and was hosted 2008 by the Midland Rover Owners Club at Eastnor Castle in Herefordshire, UK, 22 - 27 May 2008. --- No releases available. Automotive trademarks are the property of the trademark holder, authorization may be needed for some uses.

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Filename: IRV-JBU00462.jpg

Copyright: © Jochen Buettner | | All rights reserved. No use without written permission.

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