
Mountain bikers at Ospizio Bernina railway station on the Berninapass. Switzerland, Western Europe, Graubünden, Engadin, UNESCO World Heritage Rhaetien Railway. Note: No releases available. --- Info: Part of the Rhaetian Railway the Bernina Railway is a single track metre gauge railway. It links St. Moritz, in the Canton of Graubünden, Switzerland, with the town of Tirano, in the Province of Sondrio, Italy, via the Bernina Pass and was fully opened in 1910. From the beginning, the line was electrically operated. It also ranks as the highest adhesion railway in the Alps, and with inclines of up to 7 percent as one of the steepest adhesion railways in the world. In 2008, the Bernina Railway and the Albula Railway were recorded in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, under the name Rhaetian Railway in the Albula / Bernina Landscapes. The whole site is regarded as a cross border joint Swiss-Italian heritage area. The most famous trains operating on the Bernina Railway are known as the Bernina Express.
Mountain bikers at Ospizio Bernina railway station on the Berninapass. Switzerland, Western Europe, Graubünden, Engadin, UNESCO World Heritage Rhaetien Railway. Note: No releases available. --- Info: Part of the Rhaetian Railway the Bernina Railway is a single track metre gauge railway. It links St. Moritz, in the Canton of Graubünden, Switzerland, with the town of Tirano, in the Province of Sondrio, Italy, via the Bernina Pass and was fully opened in 1910. From the beginning, the...
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