Land Rover: Discovery (7/15)

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1990s Land Rover Discovery 1, fitted with a raised air intake, on a forest track in the hilly Weserbergland. Seen at an off-road event of the German Land Rover Club held at the Freizeitpark Mammut in Stadtoldendorf, Germany, October 3.-5. 2008. --- No releases available. Automotive trademarks are the property of the trademark holder, authorization may be needed for some uses.
1990s Land Rover Discovery 1, fitted with a raised air intake, on a forest track in the hilly Weserbergland. Seen at an off-road event of the German Land Rover Club held at the Freizeitpark Mammut in Stadtoldendorf, Germany, October 3.-5. 2008. --- No releases available. Automotive trademarks are the property of the trademark holder, authorization may be needed for some uses.

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Filename: HGW-DE082359.jpg

Copyright: © Harald Woeste | | All rights reserved. No use without written permission.

Size: 3872x2592

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